Saturday, September 7, 2013

Nigeria: a diversified country

Nigeria is located in Western Africa and borders the Gulf of Guinea, between Benin on the west and Cameroon on the east. Abuja is the capital of Federal Republic of Nigeria and Lagos, the commercial capital of the country.

 Its flag was adopted on October 1, 1960, the day when the country gained independence from Great Britain. In 1959, the design was submitted into the national competition by Michael Taiwo Akinkunmi. The white vertical stripe between two green stripes of equal dimensions symbolizes the elements of the flag: the white stripe denotes peace and unity, and is also symbolic of the Niger River bisecting the countryside, the green stripes represent agriculture.
Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and the eight largest in the world (170, 1 million, sense 2012). The great majority of its population live situation of poverty.
The currency in Nigeria is Naira (subdivided in 100 kobo).
The Nigerian religions are divided in 40% of Christian, 50% of Islamic, 10% of tribal religion.
Constitutionally, Nigeria is a laic state, but during almost 40 years the North government has preferred the Muslim religion. Consequently of this, Christians and ex-muslins have been discriminated, Christian girls from the North, must wear a hijab (typical Muslim attire when she goes to the school).

There’s for of a big linguistic diversity, are more of 500 languages, an are in vigour, others are extinct, distributed around the Nigerian territory (Rf. Ethnoloque/languages of the world). Some examples of the major languages spoken there: Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, Ibibio, Eba, Fulfudeand Kanuri. English is a language official of the Nigeria.
Yoruba’s Phrases